
  • Debugging Capacitor iOS Apps

    Because hybrid apps built with Capacitor are simply web apps running in a WebView, we can debug them using the same tools most web developers are already familiar with. This post will go over how to use the Web Inspector in Safari to debug a Capacitor powered iOS app (same can apply to apps built with Cordova).

  • Using Kali Linux on macOS through VirtualBox

    For this walkthrough I’ll be going over my ideal setup on how I use Kali Linux in macOS. As of this writing I’m using VirtualBox 6.1.6 and Kali Linux 2020.2 VM.

  • Ionic Components in Stencil

    Ionic comes with a collection of different overalay components which are typically created, displayed, and dismissed completely without JSX. This was something confusing to me when first trying to use some of the Ionic Components with Stencil. In this post I'll go over a basic example of using an Ionic overlay component in Stencil.
  • Environment Variables in Stencil

    A recurring foundational step in most projects is to have a dynamic way of setting environment variables based on the type of build running. In this post I'll cover my approach to handling environment variables in a Stencil project.
  • Using PlistBuddy to Manage Info.plist

    PlistBuddy is a cli tool provided by macOS which allows manipulation of Property List (.plist) files.

  • Setting up Charles to Proxy your iOS Device

    Capturing network traffic is a useful method for debugging any application. Using a network proxy like Charles makes it very easy to see the data that your app is sending/recieving. This post will cover the steps to setup an iOS device to use Charles as a proxy.

  • Android Emulator Setup for macOS

    This post will cover the steps to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) only using the command line. It is possible to do Android development without an IDE like Android Studio 😀.

  • Publishing a React Native Component to the npm Registry

    In this post we’ll look at how to publish an npm package to the public registry. For this demo I’ll be using a React Native component that has been already build but not yet hooked up to work with npm. The same instructions apply for other JavaScript projects. For the full source code go the github project here.